Monday, March 21, 2016

Profile Deletion

To clean up the system, complete the following steps:
Use the manageprofiles command to delete the partial configured profile:
manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName profile_name
Use the database tools to drop all the tables and databases created for the failed profiles.

If DB2 Express was used for the Business Process Manager database, the database and tables are in the C:\BPMINST folder.

If the WebSphere Process Server profile failed, remove QBPMDB, QCMNDB, and QPDWDB.

If the WESB server profile failed, or remove the QBPMDB, QECMNDB, and QPDWDB.
Delete the failed profile folder and verify that it was deleted successfully. The profile will be created under install_root\profiles\profile_name.
Use the following command to validate the profile configuration:
manageprofiles -validateRegistry
manageprofiles -validateAndUpdateRegistry

Monday, March 14, 2016

Profile Creation

Hi Ravi –

       You would have to follow below steps to fix this issue. If you are not able to do these steps then, I’ll help you completing this setup tomorrow morning.

1.       Update the attached properties file with your hostname ( replace wkmj01ebdd with your machine name) and copy it to C:\IBM\IID\PS\v8.5\bin
2.       Open command prompt and cd C:\IBM\IID\PS\v8.5\bin
3.       Run “BPMConfig -create -de”
4.       From IID add new server using profile qbpmaps1

Before starting “server1”  you would need to delete SIB tables from Database

From Start>IBM DB2>DB2COPY(Default) launch Command Window – Administrator

db2 connect to QCMNDB user db2admin password <password>
db2 drop table SIB000
db2 drop table SIB001
db2 drop table SIB002
db2 drop table SIBOWNER
db2 drop table SIBOWNERO
db2 drop table SIBCLASSMAP
db2 drop table SIBLISTING
db2 drop table SIBKEYS
db2 drop table SIBXACTS
db2 commit

5.        After this you should be able to start the server


That’s what I thought. Hostname on WAS wouldn’t change automatically, but I can change it with wsadmin. Thanks Aaron!

Srikanta – Please let me know if anyone else has the same issue? Ravi is not available now, so I would have to try to fix this on some other machine.


WKMJVGRBM was the name of the template machine this software was initially installed on.  It will likely need to be reconfigured for the new WKID (wkmj01ebd1) if that did not happen automatically.

Hi Aaron –

On Ravi’s machine (wkmj01ebd1). WAS is running with a different hostname ( all the configuration has that hostname. It doesn’t look right. Is that the server from where the image was taken? Does it have WAS profiles created already? My machine only has BPM binaries. I think profiles would need to be created after image copy, not before that. Could you please take a look?

Srikanta – Could you please check if anyone else has similar issue?

Name Sorted in ascending order. Click to sort in descending order.
Node The column is not sorted. Click to specify ascending order.
Host Name The column is not sorted. Click to specify ascending order.
Version The column is not sorted. Click to specify ascending order.
You can administer the following resources:
