Wednesday, September 14, 2016

JDBC Adapter

With IBM® WebSphere® Adapter for JDBC, you can create integrated applications that can interact and exchange information with a database. By using the adapter, an application can send requests to the database, as well as receive events from the database, often without the need for SQL code.
The adapter enables two-way communication between an application running on IBM Business Process Manager or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and a database. Using the adapter, an application can send requests to read, create, modify, or delete data in a database, often without writing any SQL code. To process requests received from an application, the adapter updates the database tables using SQL queries or stored procedures. An application can also receive events from the database, for example, it can be notified that specific database tables are updated. To process events that result from changes to the database, the adapter delivers events to an application. Using event notification, updates to the database can be automatically propagated to other applications. By combining event processing by IBM WebSphere Adapter for JDBC and another adapter, updates can be automatically propagated to enterprise applications such as Siebel, PeopleSoft, and Oracle.
The adapter provides a standard interface that integrates with diverse database software vendors and versions; it supports any database server with a Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver that supports the JDBC 2.0 or later specification. The JRE version required by the JDBC driver must be lower than or equal to the JRE version in the runtime environment. Examples of such servers include IBM DB2®, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Derby, and Informix®. The adapter uses business objects to exchange data between the application and the database, so the application does not need to use the JDBC application programming interface (API). Business objects are containers for application data that represent business functions or elements, such as a database table or the result of an SQL query. The adapter understands the data format provided by the application, and can process the data, perform the operation, and send the results back in that format.