Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Interface Qualifiers

  • Data Validation

 Determines whether the input data should be validated against its definition (ie. the XSD that describes the data).

  • Join Activity Session

Determines whether or not the hosting container will join any propagated (client) activity session.

  • Join Transaction

Determines whether or not the hosting container will join any propagated (client) transaction.

  • Security Permission

Specifies a role, which is a semantic grouping of permissions that a given type of users must have to use an operation in an interface. The identity of the caller must have this role in order to be permitted to call the interface or operation. If no security permission is specified, then no permissions are checked and all callers are permitted to call the interface or operation.

  • Store And Forward

Determines if messages should be stored when an exception occurs.

Store and forward qualifiers may be be set on Interfaces of Components, Imports or SCA Exports that can potentially be invoked asynchronously.

Implementation Qualifier

  • Activity Session
Determines if the component's processing will be executed under an activity session.  An activity session is an alternative unit-of-work scope to the one provided by global transaction contexts. An activity session context can be longer lived than a global transaction context and can encapsulate global transactions.
  • Security Identity
Specifies the identity under which the implementation executes at run time.
  • Transaction
Determines the logical unit of work that the component's processing executes. For a logical unit of work, all of the data modifications made during a transaction are either committed together as a unit or rolled back as a unit.

Reference Qualifier

  • Asynchronous Invocation
Determines if asynchronous invocations should occur as part of any client transaction. 
  • Reliability 
Determines the quality of an asynchronous message delivery. In general, better performance typically means less reliable message delivery. With an Assured specification, the client application cannot tolerate the loss of a request or response message. With a Best effort specification, the client application can tolerate the possible loss of the request or response message.
  • Request Expiration
The length of time after which an asynchronous request will be discarded if it has not been delivered, beginning from the time when the request is issued.
  • Response Expiration
The length of time that the runtime environment must retain an asynchronous response or must provide a callback, beginning from the time when the request is issued.

  • Suspend Activity Session
Prevents the propragation of the activity session context to a target component.  This applies when the target is invoked using the synchronous invocation.
  • Suspend Transaction
Determines whether the invocation of a target service runs completely within the client's global transaction.  This qualifier only applies to synchronous invocations.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

D 1: Used to design and develop a wide range of services which can be inter-operable.
D 2: It adopts component based programming model.
D 3: It is a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the for of inter-operable
D 4: Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an approach used to create an architecture based upon the use of services. Services (such as Restful Web services) carry out some small function, such as producing data, validating a customer, or providing simple analytical services.

SOA is an architectural concept and web service is one of the technical approach to complete it,


D 1: Repeatable business task and composed in to a business process.
D 2: Reusable ,defined with particular articrafts
D 3: Services are the building blocks and they are composed in to a business process.
D 4: Services are used to help get the right information to the right people at right time.
D 5: Service is nothing but a task or a method that is used to execute an activity,
D 6: Services can be reused and combined to deploy composite application to address to address new opportunities.

Service Characteristics 

  • Well defined interfaces.
  • Well defined quality of service capabilities.
  • Well known endpoints: As a destination on the n/w that receives service requests.
Service Register

Locating and publishing web services.

Architectural Components

Figure 1 shows the basic components of a service-oriented architecture. The components of a service-oriented architecture include:
  • Service providers. A service provider is a component or set of components that execute a business function in a stateless fashion, accepting predefined inputs and outputs.
  • Service consumers. A service consumer is a set of components interested in using one or more of the services provided by service providers.
  • Service repository. A service repository contains the descriptions of the services. Service providers register their services in this repository and service consumers access the repository to discover the services being provided.
Figure 1. Service-oriented architectural components

Principles of SOA

  • Component of a larger system that operates independently from the operation of the other components.
  •  A service hides information or implementation details by encapsulating the information into a construct which presents an interface
  •  Many services which were not initially planned under SOA, may get encapsulated or become a part of SOA.
Loose Coupling :
  • Incompatible system technologies can be joined ,dis assembled just as easily in to their functional components.
  • Services minimize dependencies on each other. 
Separation of Concerns/ Service Composability :
  • Services break down a complex problem in a series of smaller pieces. Each of the smaller pieces address a specific concern.
  • Services break big problems into little problems. 



  • SOA is enabled through pluggable components with standard interfaces.
  • Logic is divided into services with the intent of maximizing reuse.service-reusability
Service Interoperability :
  • Services should use standards that allow diverse subscribers to use the service. This is considered so obvious these days that it is often dropped as a principle. 
  • service-interoperability

Service Discoverability :
  • Services can be discovered (usually in a service registry).
  • service-discoverability
Service Autonomy :
  • Services should have control over the logic they encapsulate. 
  • service-autonomy
Service Abstraction :
  • Services hide the logic they encapsulate from the outside world. 

Challenges of SOA

  • Managing service metadata(Information about data,Data About Data)
  • Lack of testing in SOA space.
  • Providing appropriate security
  • Interoperability
  • Early adoption and evolution of supporting technology 
  • Organization change in necessary since SOA crosses system boundaries 
  • The architecture is enterprise in scope encompassing dispersed and heterogeneous systems 
  • The infrastructure is distributed requiring high availability and scalability 
  • The project life cycle methodology requires changes due to complex system dependencies, SOA specific design patterns, and the change impact to the infrastructure and users 
  • Program management is often complex due the project scope, interdependencies and new technology risks 
  • Quality Assurance is difficult since services are distributed, have many interfaces, require new testing environments, and message based testing tools 
  • New competencies must be developed spanning project management, analysis and design, development and operations. 


While implementing a service-oriented architecture, a company faces up to eight key challenges. These challenges align to the steps in a typical project deployment plan:
  1. Service identification. What is a service? What is the business functionality to be provided by a given service? What is the optimal granularity of the service?
  2. Service location. Where should a service be located within the enterprise?
  3. Service domain definition. How should services be grouped together into logical domains?
  4. Service packaging. How is existing functionality within legacy mainframe systems to be re-engineered or wrapped into reusable services?
  5. Service orchestration. How are composite services to be orchestrated?
  6. Service routing. How are requests from service consumers to be routed to the appropriate service and/or service domain?
  7. Service governance. How will the enterprise exercise governance processes to administer and maintain services?
  8. Service messaging standards adoption. How will the enterprise adopt a given standard consistently?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Interview Questions 2

What is difference between the parallel flow and generalized flow activities in BPEL process?
Parallel Flow
  • A parallel process (or flow) is a collection of other process activities that are all nested within a parallel activity.
  • The nested activities run sequentially in an order that is dictated by links and transition conditions (when no links are present, all activities will be executed concurrently).
  • Parallel activities are very versatile, and can add a depth to a long-running process.

Generalized Flow
  • A generalized flow activity is very similar to a parallel activity in that you can nest other process activities within it, and then control the execution order of those activities through links.
  • The generalized flow activity differs in its ability to use conditional links to loop back to previous activities in the sequence.

How do you assign people to a process (people assignment)? What are the pre-defined roles for human tasks?
When you define a human task you must stipulate which people are eligible to view, initiate, perform and administer the task. This step is known as people assignment. You can assign work to a named individual, to a member of a certain group. There are pre-defined roles for human tasks which you can assign people or groups to. Members of a role share the same level of authority. The roles are:
Administrators - have the authority to perform high level duties like suspend, terminate, restart, force-retry, and force-complete.
Potential creators - can create an instance of the human task, but cannot start it.
Potential starters - have the authority to initiate an existing instance. The starter role is subtly different from that of creator, and although a creator can create a new instance, only a starter can start it.
Potential owners - can claim, work on and complete tasks.
Editors - can work with the content of a task, but cannot claim or complete it. For example, an editor can receive the work item to review a document and add comments, but an editor is not able to finish the task.
Readers - are allowed to view tasks, but cannot work on them. This role can be used in situations where someone needs to monitor a task without taking any action in it.

When do you decide to create a new version of BPEL process?
Here are some possible examples of when you would create a version of a BPEL process:
  • In the likelihood that your BPEL process will need to be modified over time, but its callers will not. In such a case, you will want the existing callers to be able to seamlessly pickup the newest version of the process the moment it becomes effective.
  • You have a solution where multiple versions of the same BPEL process must coexist. Although the solution as a whole cannot be uninstalled and reinstalled, you will need to be able to deploy new versions of the process in such a way as to ensure that new instances use the latest version and, wherever possible, existing instances also migrate to the latest version.

How do you handle faults or exceptions in BPEL process?
A fault is any exceptional condition that can change the normal processing of a BPEL process and, if not handled, can lead to undesirable conditions or results. A well-designed process is one that anticipates possible faults with fault handlers that are designed to lead to predictable outcomes.

What is Correlation or Correlation Sets? What is purpose of them?
  • Correlations are used in runtime environments where there are multiple instances of the same process running.
  • A correlation set for a BPEL process consists of a name and one or more properties. They are used to distinguish the instances of same process in runtime.
  • Correlation sets allow two partners to initialize a BPEL process transaction, temporarily suspend activity, and then recognize each other again when that transaction resumes.

What are the transactional behavior options for the activities inside a BPEL process?
Commit before: preceding transaction commits before this activity starts
Commit after: transaction commits immediately after this activity is completed
Participates: activity runs in existing transaction
Requires Own: activity is isolated in its own transaction.

Usage of BSM vs BPEL process?
  • In cases where the state machines are--and will--remain simple, it may be better to use a BPEL process. For example, a state machine without any loops (returning to an earlier state), would probably make more sense being developed as a process.
  • However, if there is a lot of looping, the state machine provides a much more natural way to develop, debug, and monitor.
  • If you do have performance constraints, then do not prefer BSM as it is internally will get converted into BPEL process by the Process Server runtime.

Compare the Rule sets and Decision Tables?
Rule sets model the typical if-then kind of business rules, if you need to model rules on values from multiple input combinations, then decision tables are preferred.



How do Levels Works?

A log request of level p in a logger with level q is enabled if p >= q. This rule is at the heart of log4j. It assumes that levels are ordered. For the standard levels, we have ALL < DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL < OFF.
The Following example shows how we can filter all our DEBUG and INFO messages. This program uses of logger method setLevel(Level.X) to set a desired logging level:
This example would print all the messages except Debug and Info:
import org.apache.log4j.*;

public class LogClass {
   private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogClass.class);
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      log.trace("Trace Message!");
      log.debug("Debug Message!");
      log.info("Info Message!");
      log.warn("Warn Message!");
      log.error("Error Message!");
      log.fatal("Fatal Message!");
When you compile and run the LogClass program, it would generate the following result −

Warn Message!
Error Message!
Fatal Message!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Server Hang

Change 1

[2/20/17 7:53:19:800 CST] 00000262 PartnerLogDat E   WTRN0000E: An internal error occurred in method logData in class com.ibm.ws.Transaction.JTA.PartnerLogData; the exception stack trace follows: com.ibm.ws.recoverylog.spi.InternalLogException

Line 114616: [2/20/17 7:53:19:803 CST] 000002e0 PartnerLogDat E   WTRN0000E: An internal error occurred in method logData in class com.ibm.ws.Transaction.JTA.PartnerLogData; the exception stack trace follows: com.ibm.ws.recoverylog.spi.InternalLogException

Line 114641: [2/20/17 7:53:19:807 CST] 000002e8 PartnerLogDat E   WTRN0000E: An internal error occurred in method logData in class com.ibm.ws.Transaction.JTA.PartnerLogData; the exception stack trace follows: com.ibm.ws.recoverylog.spi.InternalLogException

This may cause because our transaction/partner log is getting full. For temporary fix we can increase the size of partner log size. Please find below link for reference.

Change 2

We have around 40 ActivationSpec and each ActivationSpec has maximum server session 2. So ideally WMQJCAResourceAdapter thread pool max size should be 80(40*2).But in our case it is 75.

We should do this change when we migrated few new modules.

We have to do change adaptor thread pool settings to 90 .Lets do this change next time before doing JVM restart.



Monday, January 9, 2017

Interview Questions

What are the differences between long-running process and micro-flows? when do you use each of them?
We use long running process only in the following conditions:
If your process requires more than one transaction.If your process will need to stop at any point and wait for external input, either in the form of an event or a human task.If you have elements in your process that you would like to run in parallel.
We use short running process in the following conditions:
A Microflow is a process that is contained within a single transaction.Because it runs automatically from start to finish, it is ideal for situations where the user is expecting an immediate response.Example of a Microflow would be a database query.Microflows cannot be used for processes involving human tasks.If you have a short series of steps to model and want them executed very quickly in the runtime environment, use a Microflows.
Performance: short running processes offer great performance; so, where ever feasible one should use short running processes.
What is Human Task?
A human task is a unit of work that involves a person. Examples would be an review process, in which a manager must provide final approval, or when a follow-up telephone call with a client is required.
The definition of a human task includes the following information:
who can perform the taskwhat needs to be donewhat happens when the task takes too longhow the task will be done
What are different implementation mechanisms or subcategories of Human Tasks?
Stand-alone: A stand-alone task exists independently of a process, and implements human interaction as a service that can be wired to any other component.
There are two instances in particular when you should model your human task as a stand-alone task:
The task provides just another service.You intend to replace the stand-alone task at a later stage and do not want to change the component to which it is wired.
Inline: An inline human task is a piece of a larger BPEL process that must be performed by a person.
You should model your process with an inline task when:
You need information from the process logic to run the human task. Although information from the process can also be modeled into the input for a human task, the main reason to use an inline human task is because they have direct access to the process context without the need to explicitly model the required information into the input message.
You want to define authorization rights on specific activities.
What are different types of Human Tasks?
To-do task - a service schedules a piece of work for a person to perform.
Invocation task - a person uses a service.
Collaboration task - one person assigns work to another person.
Administration task - a person is granted administrative powers over an activity or process.
How do you handle faults or exceptions in BPEL process?
Here are some of your options for dealing with faults that are available in the BPEL process editor:
Use a terminate activity to stop the execution of a process or an activity so someone can step in and make necessary repairs.Use a reply activity with a fault name associated with it so it will respond with a fault.Use a throw activity to signal an internal fault.Use a fault handler to catch a fault and attempt to deal with it.Use compensation to roll back or undo a process or an activity that has failed after committal.
What is Compensation?
Compensation is the means by which operations in a process that have successfully completed can be undone to return the system to a consistent state if an error occurs.
You can compensate a BPEL process in two ways:
Save the properties of the individual parts of a process so that they can be restored if the process cannot be committed and must be rolled back (compensation pairs).Use a compensation handler to return a failed process to a balanced state after a fault is thrown when the parent activity has already been committed.
What are Escalations?
If a task is overdue it needs to be escalated. Use escalation properties to define when a task must be completed and the actions to take if deadlines are missed. There are three possible states for which an escalation can be configured:
Ready- When a human task is in a ready state, it is waiting to be claimed. You can configure an escalation to trigger if it sits unclaimed for too long.
Claimed- If a staff member has claimed a task, but takes longer than the specified period of time to complete it, an escalation is triggered and another staff member is notified, for example, the manager of the claimant.
Subtask started- A subtask is an additional unit of work that is split out from a parent task. If the subtask fails to complete within a specified period of time, the parent task is escalated and indicates that it is still waiting on the subtask.
How do you enter the input data required by the process?
We can enter the input data required by the process by using the Business Process Choreography Explorer. It is access using Web Browser.
What is rule group? How do you implement rule groups?
A business rule is a condition that must be satisfied when a business activity is being performed. A rule can enforce a business policy, make a decision, or infer new data from existing data.