Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Human Task


Types of human task

There are four types of human tasks that you can define.
To-do task
This is where a service component (such as a business process) assigns a task to a human as something for that person to do.
A to-do task is one that is assigned to a human by a machine.
A to-do task can be implemented either stand-alone or inline.
To see an example of a to-do task that you can build and run yourself, go to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/bpcsamp/index.html, and clickHuman Task features > To-do task.
Note: You will need a connection to the internet to view this example.
Invocation task
This is where a human can "assign" a task to a service component. In such a case, a human is invoking an automated service such as a business process.
An invocation task is one that is assigned to a machine by a human.
An invocation task can be implemented either stand-alone or inline. When it is inline, an invocation task allows humans to invoke the operations that a business process exposes through activities such as receive, pick or event handlers. Through this, a user can start a process and define authorization for its inbound activities.
To see an example of an invocation task that you can build and run yourself, go to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/bpcsamp/index.html, and click Human Task features > Invocation task.
Note: You will need a connection to the internet to view this example.
Collaboration task
This is where a human assigns a task to another human.
A collaboration task is one that is assigned to a human by another human.
A collaboration task is stand-alone, in that there is no interaction between it and any other component. It is self-contained and implements a stand-alone human interaction without any reference or interface to another service.
To see an example of a collaboration task that you can build and run yourself, go to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/bpcsamp/index.html, and click Human Task features > Collaboration task.
Note: You will need a connection to the internet to view this example.
Administration task
This type of task grants a human administrative powers such as the ability to suspend, terminate, restart, force-retry, or force-complete a business process. Administration tasks can be set up on either an invoke activity, or the process as a whole.
An administration task is one in which a human is granted administrative control over aspects of a business process.
This type of task is only available within a business process (inline task).

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